Since we were in the first year of high school, we were thrilled with the idea of a " cotton candy machine ".
When we were child we tought that, to do that class of machine would be really dificult.
But while we were studing, we realized that wouldn't be impossible.
At first, we watched and read some tutorials on the internet, of homemade machines.
Some links of those are:
Make Your Own Cotton Candy Machine For Next To Nothing [Makezine How-to]
Como hacer una máquina de algodon de azúcar casera
Cómo hacer tu propia máquina de algodón de azúcar
After we have collected information, we decided to make a little prototype based in the idea that is in the picture above (N1). We use a can of soda, a monitor base, a small engine of 12 volts and elastic bandages.
And the final result was this:
So basically a cotton machine works like this:
Typical machines used to make cotton candy include a spinning head enclosing a small "sugar reserve" bowl into which a charge of granulated, colored sugar is poured.
Heaters near the rim of the head melt the sugar in a container with very small holes on the walls.
As the container is spinned around its axis at high speed, the centrifugal force comes in play...
So now the hot liquid that just got poured in the container is pressed against the container walls and it comes out through those very tiny holes. The diameter of the hole is small enough that when that liquid sugar comes out through the hole, it cools down very fast, so it makes those very thin strands of colored sugar than will create the cotton candy.
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